CSV Life Science S.r.l.
Via Selvanesco, 77
20142 Milano

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WhistleFlow - Welcome to the Whistleblowing Service


for CSV Life Science Group S.r.l.


Please report any suspected or actual irregularities via this channel. By submitting an irregularity report you will always remain anonymous. We guarantee total anonymity and confidentiality throughout the reporting process.

The subject of the report may be any conduct or facts which, in the view of the reporter, constitute or are potentially capable of constituting offences of a civil, criminal, administrative or accounting nature and are detrimental to a public or private interest. Therefore, this channel may be used to report facts or situations capable of causing damage or harm to CSV LIFE SCIENCE GROUP SRL such as, for example:

  • conduct in violation of the Organisation, Management and Control Model, the Code of Ethics or other internal provisions of the organisation;
  • legally actionable conduct (criminally relevant or subject to administrative sanctions);
  • conduct capable of causing damage or harm to the Company's assets, image or other resources;
  • conduct that could result in damage to the environment, the health and safety of resources, customers, suppliers or citizens in general, the protection of personal data and the security of networks and information systems.

Your report must contain the following information:

  • The type of irregularity you wish to report
  • Where it took place (room, department, outdoor area, etc.)
  • When it took place (indicate date and time and whether the irregularity is recurrent)
  • Documentation in any format if available
  • Details of any other action taken in relation to the irregularity

Warning! It is important that you read and understand the content of the Privacy link before submitting your report. You should not send any personal information that is not strictly relevant to the report. However, should you send it, we are entitled to delete this information without informing you.

According to current legislation, the company will carry out an initial assessment of your report to determine its suitability for processing through the whistleblowing channel. Each report will be assigned a unique case number and you will receive a verification code to confirm receipt of the report. Within the timeframe required by the legislation, you will receive confirmation of receipt of the report. You can use the verification code to enter further information or receive feedback on the case.

Within 90 days the company will provide you with feedback on how the case was handled. You will also be able to view this feedback by logging in with your verification code.

By submitting a report you will remain completely anonymous unless you voluntarily provide personal information. It is not mandatory to provide personal information.